Major Gifts and Bequests

We rely on the support of generous donors to ensure future generations can learn about the Holocaust.

Your major gifts, endowments and bequests will help ensure the future sustainability of the Museum, as well as to serve to perpetuate a donor’s family name or honour a loved one. Gifts to the Museum of any amount, can help strengthen the collections and expand our education programs.

Your gift can take on many forms including a specific project.

Major gift opportunities include:

  • Bequests
  • Endowments
  • Living Legacies
  • Life Tenancy/Home Conversion

For a confidential discussion or more information, please contact the Museum on 02 9360 7999 or [email protected]



The examples below may assist your advisors when drafting your will:

I, ____ give $____, or ____% of my estate, or the following assets in my estate: ________, to the Sydney Jewish Museum of 148 Darlinghurst Road, Darlinghurst in New South Wales, free of all duties and taxes of any nature, for the general purposes of the Museum (or specify the purpose for which the gift is to be applied by the Museum).

I declare that the receipt of the Secretary or Treasurer of the Sydney Jewish Museum will be a complete discharge to my Trustee.

Simple Wills or agreements, in favour of the Sydney Jewish Museum, may be drawn up by our honorary solicitor at no cost to the benefactor.

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