Donate to the Museum


The Sydney Jewish Museum is dedicated to preserving the history of the Holocaust, sharing the life stories and messages of survivors, and commemorating the victims. By keeping the memory of the Holocaust alive, we ensure that future generations learn from the past.

Our mission is realised through a range of impactful activities: delivering educational programs to students and professionals, preserving invaluable artefacts, presenting compelling exhibitions, and hosting cultural and commemorative events. The work we do and the stories we share inspire respect, inclusivity, empathy, and a commitment to human rights.

Like all museums, we can’t thrive on membership and entry fees alone. We receive no government funding for our operational needs, making community support crucial. Your contributions are vital to ensuring we can continue our important work and uphold the legacy of Holocaust survivors. Please consider supporting us today. Together, we can make a difference.

Become a Member
Leave a Legacy

There are many ways individuals and organisations can help

  • $36 covers the cost of an education program for a disadvantaged student
  • $100 provides a taxi to and from the Museum for a Holocaust survivor speaking to students
  • $300 provides conservation, treatment and restoration to one Holocaust artefact to ensure it is kept in as close to original condition as possible
  • $900 pays for the resources it takes for the Museum Educators to run an educational program with one class


If you are looking to become a new Member or renew your Membership, click here.


No matter how large or small, your gift will allow the Sydney Jewish Museum to maintain and develop its exhibitions, provide and expand our important educational programs and present stimulating cultural events and public programs that will enrich the minds and lives of our members and the community at large.

We appreciate all donations. Donations over $2 are tax deductible.

You can also make one-off or recurring donations over the phone, on 02 9360 7999

ACNC Registered Charity Tick

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