Holocaust survivor testimonies

Learn about history and humanity through a new, humbling lens

Hearing a Holocaust survivor tell their story of survival is a moving and inspiring experience. Their reflections on resilience, loss and rebuilding their lives can teach us so much about how to navigate the world and our shared humanity.

We invite you to browse the snippets of short and long testimony by some of our Holocaust survivors below.

Holocaust survivor Dasia Black-Gutman talks about why she shares her story of her life and experiences

Long Testimonies

Peter Halas tells his story of survival in Hungary and his migration to Australia
Egon Sonnenschein tells his story of survival in Yugoslavia, Croatia and Slovenia, and his eventual migration to Australia

Short Testimonies

Mimi Wise on how her jug from Felletin represents something from the past
Paul Drexler on his ration cards for food and milk
Ilse Charny on rising persecution and how her parents tried to protect her from it
Egon Sonnenschein on rising persection of Jewish people
Ana Deleon talks about her experiences of childhood
Yvonne Engelman talks about her schooling in Czechoslovakia before the war
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