Become a member

Be the voice for a better world

The support of our members is essential to ensure the Sydney Jewish Museum can continue to educate and inspire students, teachers and general visitors on the history of the Holocaust and the important messages of Holocaust survivors. Right now, it’s clear that our work has never been more relevant: it’s so critical that people of all backgrounds are educated about the Holocaust and the real dangers that racism and discrimination pose to humanity.

In these trying times, the Museum is tirelessly committed to combating antisemitism and all forms of intolerance in Australia. Your support is instrumental in ensuring more people have access to our powerful education programs and exhibitions that counter hatred and promote peace and social cohesion.

Become a member of the Sydney Jewish Museum today.

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Membership types:

  • Individual Member 1 year  $70
  • Individual Member 3 years $185
  • Family Member 1 year $100
  • Family Member 3 years $270
  • Concession Member $35

Become a Member

Patron types:

  • Premium Member* $400+
  • Bronze Patron* $600+
  • Silver Patron* $1,000+
  • Gold Patron* $2,000+
  • Platinum Patron* $5,000+
  • Diamond Patron* $10,000+

Become a Patron

As a Museum member, you will receive the following benefits:

  • Free access to a series of Expert Talks on a range of topics including the Holocaust, Judaism and human rights;
  • Free entry into the Museum for yourself and a guest every time you visit;
  • Exclusive members-only discounts and events;
  • 10% discount on items in the Museum shop;
  • Free entry to the Jewish Museum of Australia, Melbourne.

All membership fees are inclusive of GST. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. *Includes $35 membership fee. Balance is tax deductible.

Review the Musuem’s Membership Terms and Conditions.

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