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Power and Authority: An Afternoon with Experts


Power and Authority: An Afternoon with Experts


Wednesday 22 June
2 – 5pm

$20 per student

This afternoon session for HSC Modern History students will deepen their historical knowledge and enhance source analysis skills, which are central to their study of Power and Authority in the Modern World: 1919-1946.

During this session, students will take part in three curriculum-linked, interactive workshops delivered by subject-area experts. Integrated throughout these workshops will be a range of sources and opportunities to undertake exam-style practice questions. The program includes two 15-minute breaks.

This session will be held at the Museum.

For bookings, please contact [email protected] or phone 02 9360 7999.

If cost is a barrier, please get in touch with Dr Breann Fallon, [email protected].

Product Description

Wednesday 22 June
2 – 5pm

$20 per student

This afternoon session for HSC Modern History students will deepen their historical knowledge and enhance source analysis skills, which are central to their study of Power and Authority in the Modern World: 1919-1946.

During this session, students will take part in three curriculum-linked, interactive workshops delivered by subject-area experts. Integrated throughout these workshops will be a range of sources and opportunities to undertake exam-style practice questions. The program includes two 15-minute breaks.

This session will be held at the Museum.

For bookings, please contact [email protected] or phone 02 9360 7999.

If cost is a barrier, please get in touch with Dr Breann Fallon, [email protected].

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