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Hannah Szenesh: Blessed is the Match


Hannah Szenesh: Blessed is the Match


Hannah Szenesh: Blessed is the Match

Speaker: Dr. Tuvia Book

Hannah Szenesh was a Zionist, pioneer, paratrooper, fighter for the rescue of Hungarian Jews and poet. In 1944 at the age of only 23, she was executed by the Hungarian Arrow Cross – Nazi Collaborators.

In this lecture, Dr. Tuvia Book considers how Hannah Szenesh’s story continues to inspire many years on.

Dr. Tuvia Book was born in London, and raised in both the UK and South Africa. Tuvia has been working in the field of Jewish education, both formal and informal, for many years. He has guided and taught throughout Israel and Eastern Europe Jewish students and educators from around the world for some of Israel’s premier educational institutions and programs.

After making aliya at the age of seventeen and studying in yeshiva, he volunteered for the IDF where he served as a lone soldier in an elite combat unit. Book is the author and illustrator of the internationally acclaimed Israel education curriculum, For the Sake of Zion, A Curriculum of Israel Studies and Moral Dilemmas of the Modern Israeli Soldier. His current book, Jewish Journeys: The Second Temple Period to the Bar Kokhba Revolt, 536 BCE–136 CE will be part of a series on Jewish history published by Koren.

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