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In Search of My Father – Paul Drexler


In Search of My Father – Paul Drexler


In Search of My Father – Paul Drexler

SKU: 433. Categories: , , .

A true story of a young Jewish boy from Slovakia caught up in the tragedy of the Holocaust. After being liberated in Theresienstadt by the red Army he struggles to come to terms with his father’s mysterious death during the last days of World War 11.  Fifty years later, Paul Drexler began searching for the man known as Eugen Drexler, his father.  A journey that took him from Australia  to places he never imagined that he would ever see to learn the truth  and to uncover the missing pieces surrounding the brutal killing of his father.

His determination, search and mission to Germany brings him into conflict with the horrific disaster towards the end of World War 11 perpetrated by the Germans and the British.



Product Description

A true story of a young Jewish boy from Slovakia caught up in the tragedy of the Holocaust. After being liberated in Theresienstadt by the red Army he struggles to come to terms with his father’s mysterious death during the last days of World War 11.  Fifty years later, Paul Drexler began searching for the man known as Eugen Drexler, his father.  A journey that took him from Australia  to places he never imagined that he would ever see to learn the truth  and to uncover the missing pieces surrounding the brutal killing of his father.

His determination, search and mission to Germany brings him into conflict with the horrific disaster towards the end of World War 11 perpetrated by the Germans and the British.



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