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Jewish Country Girls – Diana Encel (Ed)


Jewish Country Girls – Diana Encel (Ed)


Jewish Country Girls – Diana Encel (Ed)

SKU: 462. Categories: , .

Many Jewish families lived in NSW country towns away from major Jewish centres. The twenty-seven women whose memories are recorded here spent part of their childhood in places where there were often no other Jewish families. They lived in two worlds, that of the community around them and that of their parents, where Jewish identity was often central. Their stories show how they coped with these divergent situations. The book is not a researched historical document, but the personal stories in this collection illuminate an aspect of Australian Jewish history from a hitherto unexplored perspective.


Product Description

Many Jewish families lived in NSW country towns away from major Jewish centres. The twenty-seven women whose memories are recorded here spent part of their childhood in places where there were often no other Jewish families. They lived in two worlds, that of the community around them and that of their parents, where Jewish identity was often central. Their stories show how they coped with these divergent situations. The book is not a researched historical document, but the personal stories in this collection illuminate an aspect of Australian Jewish history from a hitherto unexplored perspective.


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