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Sydney Writers’ Festival ‘Gratefully Yours’


Sydney Writers’ Festival ‘Gratefully Yours’


Gratefully Yours is part of the Sydney Writers’ Festival and will be a moving event at which we will highlight everyday heroes, who with acts of great courage, saved the life of another. The event will highlight both the saviours themselves and those who have been saved.

The speakers include:

MC for the event: Michaela Kalowski. She is an interviewer and facilitator who has conducted radio interviews on ABC Local Radio and RN and has interviewed writers and thinkers from the worlds of arts, science and politics.

Allan Sparkes CV, OAM, VA is one of Australia’s most decorated citizens and one of five Australian heroes to be awarded our highest bravery decoration and civil award, the Cross of Valour. He was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for service to mental health support organisations and was further awarded Australia’s 4th highest bravery decoration, The Commendation for Brave Conduct for saving the life of an Aboriginal man who fell onto train tracks at Redfern Railway Station. Allan has also written a best seller entitled The Cost of Bravery.
(‘Mr Allan Sparkes CV, OAM, VA’ appears by arrangement with Claxton Speakers International)

Bruce Hopkins (Hoppo) and Trent Falson (Singlets) Bondi lifeguards who have saved many lives. Trent recently appeared on Bondi Rescue, where he courageously saved the life of a woman who was drowning.

Mendy Litzman of Hatzolah Ambulance service which provides a lifesaving bridge of medical care during the first critical moments of a medical emergency. Their motto is ‘When Seconds Count, Hatzolah Saves Lives’.

Maarten Joustra a Holocaust Survivor from the Netherlands, who was left on a station platform by his parents, who were being deported and were eventually murdered. His story of survival is remarkable.

Noel Zihabamwe a survivor of the Rwandan Genocide who works passionately to improve the lives of refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants to Australia. Noel has also written a book entitled One Thousand Hills which has been shortlisted for the Ethel Turner Prize for Young Adult’s Literature.

Brian Myerson who received an organ transplant. He has established a wonderful relationship with his donor family and has done amazing work to promote organ transplants.

The event will be held at the Sydney Jewish Museum on Sunday 21 May at 2.30pm.

Booking is essential. Cost is $15 per person.



Product Description

Gratefully Yours is part of the Sydney Writers’ Festival and will be a moving event at which we will highlight everyday heroes, who with acts of great courage, saved the life of another. The event will highlight both the saviours themselves and those who have been saved.

The speakers include:

MC for the event: Michaela Kalowski. She is an interviewer and facilitator who has conducted radio interviews on ABC Local Radio and RN and has interviewed writers and thinkers from the worlds of arts, science and politics.

Allan Sparkes CV, OAM, VA is one of Australia’s most decorated citizens and one of five Australian heroes to be awarded our highest bravery decoration and civil award, the Cross of Valour. He was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for service to mental health support organisations and was further awarded Australia’s 4th highest bravery decoration, The Commendation for Brave Conduct for saving the life of an Aboriginal man who fell onto train tracks at Redfern Railway Station. Allan has also written a best seller entitled The Cost of Bravery.
(‘Mr Allan Sparkes CV, OAM, VA’ appears by arrangement with Claxton Speakers International)

Bruce Hopkins (Hoppo) and Trent Falson (Singlets) Bondi lifeguards who have saved many lives. Trent recently appeared on Bondi Rescue, where he courageously saved the life of a woman who was drowning.

Mendy Litzman of Hatzolah Ambulance service which provides a lifesaving bridge of medical care during the first critical moments of a medical emergency. Their motto is ‘When Seconds Count, Hatzolah Saves Lives’.

Maarten Joustra a Holocaust Survivor from the Netherlands, who was left on a station platform by his parents, who were being deported and were eventually murdered. His story of survival is remarkable.

Noel Zihabamwe a survivor of the Rwandan Genocide who works passionately to improve the lives of refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants to Australia. Noel has also written a book entitled One Thousand Hills which has been shortlisted for the Ethel Turner Prize for Young Adult’s Literature.

Brian Myerson who received an organ transplant. He has established a wonderful relationship with his donor family and has done amazing work to promote organ transplants.

The event will be held at the Sydney Jewish Museum on Sunday 21 May at 2.30pm.

Booking is essential. Cost is $15 per person.



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