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Lunchtime Lecture – The Rise of the AfD and Germany’s new Anti-Semitism


  • Lunchtime Lecture – The Rise of the AfD and Germany’s new Anti-Semitism


Lunchtime Lecture – The Rise of the AfD and Germany’s new Anti-Semitism


Wednesday 13 February


In September 2017, a new right-wing party called Alternative for Germany (AfD) was elected in Germany. Two years earlier, the party had strengthened its völkische wing, headed by the demagogue Björn Höcke. Since then, the AfD has become more Anti-Semitic. This Lunchtime Lecture will show how and why the AfD became an increasingly Anti-Semitic party, a move that culminated in the march of 8,000 AfD supporters and Neo-Nazis in Chemnitz in 2018. The rally included the hunting down of anyone not too German looking and an attack on a Jewish restaurant.


Dr. Thomas Klikauer was born in Southern Germany between Frankfurt and Heidelberg. He holds two MAs in Political Science (Bremen University and Boston University) and a PhD in business studies (Warwick University, UK). He teaches MBAs at the Sydney Graduate School of Management at University of Western Sydney. Dr. Klikauer has published extensively on the AfD. His publications appeared, amongst others, in the Tikkun magazine and the Journal of Modern Jewish Studies. He is currently writing a book about the AfD.

Product Description

Wednesday 13 February


In September 2017, a new right-wing party called Alternative for Germany (AfD) was elected in Germany. Two years earlier, the party had strengthened its völkische wing, headed by the demagogue Björn Höcke. Since then, the AfD has become more Anti-Semitic. This Lunchtime Lecture will show how and why the AfD became an increasingly Anti-Semitic party, a move that culminated in the march of 8,000 AfD supporters and Neo-Nazis in Chemnitz in 2018. The rally included the hunting down of anyone not too German looking and an attack on a Jewish restaurant.


Dr. Thomas Klikauer was born in Southern Germany between Frankfurt and Heidelberg. He holds two MAs in Political Science (Bremen University and Boston University) and a PhD in business studies (Warwick University, UK). He teaches MBAs at the Sydney Graduate School of Management at University of Western Sydney. Dr. Klikauer has published extensively on the AfD. His publications appeared, amongst others, in the Tikkun magazine and the Journal of Modern Jewish Studies. He is currently writing a book about the AfD.

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