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Lunchtime Lecture – The Partisan Song Project: WE ARE HERE!


Lunchtime Lecture – The Partisan Song Project: WE ARE HERE!


Wednesday 10 October


The Partisans’ Song, Zog Nit Keynmol, written by Hirsh Glik, age 22, in the Vilna Ghetto in 1943, is one of the most powerful songs of resistance and defiance ever written.

It has been the hymn of Holocaust survivors – a legacy that was in danger of dying out. Now, through this inspiring and meaningful global project, the Partisans’ Song is fast becoming the anthem for a new generation of Upstanders.

Eli Rabinowitz was born in Cape Town and has lived in Perth since 1986.

Eli, filmmaker and genealogist, researches family and Jewish cultural history and writes about Jewish life and travel on his website, Eli also manages 85 KehilaLink websites for, which has a base of over 500,000 registered users worldwide.

His articles have been published in international Jewish and genealogical publications and websites. Eli has lectured in the UK, USA, Poland, Lithuania, Israel, South Africa and Australia. In 2017 Eli established the Partisans’ Song Project, a global initiative. He co-ordinates online collaborative classes of schools in South Africa and the Former Soviet Union.

Product Description

Wednesday 10 October


The Partisans’ Song, Zog Nit Keynmol, written by Hirsh Glik, age 22, in the Vilna Ghetto in 1943, is one of the most powerful songs of resistance and defiance ever written.

It has been the hymn of Holocaust survivors – a legacy that was in danger of dying out. Now, through this inspiring and meaningful global project, the Partisans’ Song is fast becoming the anthem for a new generation of Upstanders.

Eli Rabinowitz was born in Cape Town and has lived in Perth since 1986.

Eli, filmmaker and genealogist, researches family and Jewish cultural history and writes about Jewish life and travel on his website, Eli also manages 85 KehilaLink websites for, which has a base of over 500,000 registered users worldwide.

His articles have been published in international Jewish and genealogical publications and websites. Eli has lectured in the UK, USA, Poland, Lithuania, Israel, South Africa and Australia. In 2017 Eli established the Partisans’ Song Project, a global initiative. He co-ordinates online collaborative classes of schools in South Africa and the Former Soviet Union.

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