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Film Screening: “Dreyfus Drei”


Film Screening: “Dreyfus Drei”


Sunday 5 December

Fully booked

A documentary screening of Dreyfus Drei, created by Dr Ella Dreyfus, an Australian multi-disciplinary visual artist and academic at the National Art School, Sydney.

She says, “My German-born uncle George Dreyfus is 93 years old. When he dies, the final door will close on our family’s history, and of how he and his brother Richard were fortunate to escape Nazi Germany by Kindertransport in 1939 and begin new lives in Australia. My father Richard turned his back on Germany, whilst George, retained his childhood reclaimed and retained his German identity and culture.

“My yearning to know more about the Dreyfus’s origins, combined with an artistic curiosity, lead me on a journey of remembrance, return and renewal of Jewish life. In Germany, I experience the transformative power of art to shift perceptions, and my aim through this film is to open up a dialogue for subsequent generations to confront their inherited traumas and reclaim our Jewish lives in Germany.”

The film was commissioned by the jury of the Jewish Life in Germany Festival 2021 and funded by the Goethe Institute and the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and will be shown in Germany as part of the celebratory year 1700 Years of Jewish Life in Germany.

The screening will be followed by a discussion led by Ella.

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