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2024 Yom HaShoah Commemoration


2024 Yom HaShoah Commemoration


Sunday 5 May
6.45pm  |  Venue TBC

Join us for the Jewish community’s 2024 Yom HaShoah commemoration. This year’s event will mark 80 years since the Nazi invasion of Hungary.

It will honour the lives and experiences of three Hungarian Holocaust survivors: Barbara Grunstein who survived Auschwitz, Gelsenkirchen and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps; Joseph Symon who survived a labour battalion and fought in the underground resistance; and Lilly Wolf who survived a death march and was saved by Raoul Wallenberg.

We will also hear from Jan Anger, the son of Swedish diplomat and Righteous Among the Nations, Per Anger, who helped issue Swedish documents to protect Hungarian Jews, and worked closely with Raoul Wallenberg to save Jews in Budapest from deportation to death camps.

The annual Memorial Service and Reading of Names will be held on Sunday 5 May at 10:30am at the Martyrs’ Memorial, Rookwood Cemetery. Registration is essential via the link below.

Registration is essential. To register, please visit this link: The location will be provided in advance of the event.

This event is a collaboration between the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, the Sydney Jewish Museum and other communal organisations.

Image: Shoes on the banks of the River Danube, Holocaust Memorial in Budapest, Hungary. May 2012, photography by Dennis Jarvis.

Product Description

Sunday 5 May
6.45pm  |  Venue TBC

Join us for the Jewish community’s 2024 Yom HaShoah commemoration. This year’s event will mark 80 years since the Nazi invasion of Hungary.

It will honour the lives and experiences of three Hungarian Holocaust survivors: Barbara Grunstein who survived Auschwitz, Gelsenkirchen and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps; Joseph Symon who survived a labour battalion and fought in the underground resistance; and Lilly Wolf who survived a death march and was saved by Raoul Wallenberg.

We will also hear from Jan Anger, the son of Swedish diplomat and Righteous Among the Nations, Per Anger, who helped issue Swedish documents to protect Hungarian Jews, and worked closely with Raoul Wallenberg to save Jews in Budapest from deportation to death camps.

The annual Memorial Service and Reading of Names will be held on Sunday 5 May at 10:30am at the Martyrs’ Memorial, Rookwood Cemetery. Registration is essential via the link below.

Registration is essential. To register, please visit this link: The location will be provided in advance of the event.

This event is a collaboration between the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, the Sydney Jewish Museum and other communal organisations.

Image: Shoes on the banks of the River Danube, Holocaust Memorial in Budapest, Hungary. May 2012, photography by Dennis Jarvis.

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