Go behind the scenes with our AI technology

Want to learn more about the technology behind the digitised Holocaust survivors?

Our daily behind-the-scenes sessions with our interactive biographies offer a closer look at the technology we’re using to bring the stories of Holocaust survivors to life.

Preserving the voices of history 

When it comes to learning about history, nothing quite compares to having an intimate conversation with the people who were there to experience it. This is why meeting Holocaust survivors and hearing their stories has always been one of the most meaningful experiences we offer at the Museum.

Sadly, we must prepare for a time when we no longer have survivors left. Interactive technologies, like these interactive biographies, are critical to this plan, as they offer a way for future visitors to have authentic and meaningful interactions with important eyewitnesses to history. 

Over an intensive five days over the summer of 2020-21, Holocaust survivors Eddie, Olga, Yvonne, Francine, Kuba and Paul came to the Museum to answer around 1,000 questions about their experiences in the Holocaust, their lives, interests and hopes for the future, while being filmed within a specialised rig with 23 cameras. 

The many hours of footage from these interviews have been transformed into an interactive biography using artificial intelligence and next-generation language processing technologies. This means you can ask a question to the digital version of each survivor, and hear them respond to you in real time, as though it’s the real survivor sitting in front of you. 


Join one of our testing sessions with Paul or Francine to learn more about this technology, to experience it first-hand, and to help us train the technology for future exhibitions.

Visit the Plan Your Visit page on our website for session times.

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